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The Park Explor­er Tour is a ful­ly guid­ed inter­pre­tive tour where­by you dis­cov­er the unique flo­ra, fau­na and geo­graph­i­cal fea­tures of the World Her­itage list­ed Cra­dle Moun­tain Nation­al Park. 


Enjoy a 2‑hour guid­ed tour amongst the wilder­ness and expe­ri­ence the awe­some views across Dove Lake to the jagged dolerite peaks of Cra­dle Mt, wan­der through the ancient King Bil­ly Pine For­est at Wald­heim Chalet. 


See the colour­ful dis­play Tas­ma­ni­a’s endem­ic decid­u­ous beech puts on the slopes of Cra­dle Moun­tain dur­ing the ear­ly autumn. Rich tones of rusty red through to glow­ing gold, blan­ket the landscape.


This stun­ning plant is found nowhere else on the plan­et but Tas­ma­nia and only can be seen on the high­lands above 800 metres where rain­fall is more than 1800mm mak­ing Cra­dle Moun­tain the per­fect place for viewing. 


Recent Trip Review: 

What an excel­lent way to start your vis­it to Cra­dle Moun­tain. Our guide & tour leader was full of local knowl­edge about the area, his­to­ry and its ori­gin. A cou­ple of short walks includ­ed to Glac­i­er Rock at Dove Lake and Wald­heim Chalet and lots of advice about oth­er walks/​hikes High­ly rec­om­mend­ed (Feb­ru­ary 2022)

Cradle Mountain Park Explorer Tour

  • Park Explorer

    The Park Explorer Tour is a fully guided interpretive tour where you discover the unique features of the World Heritage listed Cradle Mountain National Park.

    Tour Highlights

    • Dove Lake and Cradle Mountain
    • Waldheim Chalet
    • Weindorfers Forest Walk
    • Professional Guide
    • Pick up / Drop off from accommodation


    • 2 Hour Tour Departs from Cradle Mt
    • 11:00am Winter 01APR-30SEP
    • 2:00pm Summer 01OCT-31MAR
    • Professional Guide & Full Commentary
    • Dove Lake & Historic Boat Shed
    • Waldheim Chalet and Forest Walk
    • Departs Visitors Centre
    • Hotel Pick Up & Drop Off
    • Cradle Mountain Office 03 6492 1070

    Not Included

    • National Park Pass
  • Day 1: Cradle Mountain

    Our professional driver will collect you from your Cradle Mountain accommodation or the National Park Visitor Centre. We commence our fully guided tour into the National Park during which time our driver and guide will give an informative commentary covering the history, flora and fauna of the region.

    On arrival at Dove Lake there will be chance to capture the spectacular and iconic views of Cradle Mountain. At times the Mountain may be shrouded in cloud, but this still offers the incredible scenery of Dove Lake and the historic Boat Shed. The time spent at Dove Lake allows for a short 20-minute walk and multiply photos opportunities.

    We then take a short drive to Waldheim Chalet, the first accommodation in the area and home to Gustav and Kate Weindorfer. The original chalet was built by them in 1912 but what stands today is a full replica built in the 1970’s by similar techniques using local King Billy pine.

    We then enjoy a short 15 minute walk through a cool temperate rain forest and be amazed by story of the King Billy Pines in Weindorfers Forest. Our guides will highlight all the different tree and plant species and you may even see some of the local wildlife.

    At the conclusion of this interactive and interesting tour we return to your hotel or other designated drop off drop off point.

    Please note that the itinerary is subject to change without notice.

*Terms and conditions & TWAC's travel service fees apply to all the products listed online. 
Products are subject to availability of the tour operator.

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